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Environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors are a way to measure how a company affects the world around it. At Allegion, our eight values are at the center of our sustainability efforts and the way we run our business. 

Learn more about how Allegion has made steady progress in establishing our ESG commitments and sharing our journey. 

ESG at a Glance

Download our most recent sustainability update and review how Allegion approaches ESG. 

Goals & KPIs

Learn the goals Allegion has set for ourself, and the KPIs we are reaching as we progressing toward them. 

SASB Factors

Dive into the details of our material factors, organized around SASB standards and UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Recent progress

Click on our recent milestones below for more information.


Water usage intensity reduced 16%
GHG emissions intensity (Scope 1,2) reduced by 30%
Waste diversion rate 87%


Won 2024 Gallup award for exceptional workplace
YOY LTIR (lost time incident rate) lowered by 42%
Of people managers, 25% are women


Independent chairs for board, committees
Board of Directors 75% diversity
Executive incentive payouts tied to the ESG scorecard

1 Data is normalized to hours worked. To the extent actual hours worked are not available for any full-time employee, an average of 40 hours per week is used.
2 Actual environmental impact numbers for 2020 and 2021 have been adjusted based on an internal audit completed in 2023. The adjustments did not have a significant impact on reported "Environmental Impact (Normalized)" percentages other than for waste to landfill where percentage change from 2021 to 2020 baseline went from 3% to 1%. Water usage was originally reported at 103.5 mil. and 98.3 mil. gallons for 2020 and 2021 respectively; GHG was originally reported at 100.6 metric and 99.6 metric tons for 2020 and 2021 respectively; waste to landfill was originally reported at 4.3 mil. and 4.4 mil. pounds for 2020 and 2021 respectively and electricity used was originally reported at 113.3 mil. and 115.5 mil. KwH for 2020 and 2021 respectively.
3 Assumes an average of 15 gallons (or 57 litres) of water used per employee per workday.
4 Calculation includes all scope 1 and 2 emissions except for the company vehicle fleet. Where actual data is not collected, assumes an average of 2,000 BTU of gas usage and 0.6 Kilowatt-hours ("KwH") of electricity usage per square footage per month for warehouse locations and 2,700 BTU of gas usage and 1.5 KwH of electricity usage per square footage per month for office type locations. Calculations showing metric tons rely upon estimates pursuant to the U.S. EPA greenhouse gas equivalencies calculator. The 2022 results include 10,000 purchased Emission Free Energy Credits (EFEC).
5 Assumes an average of 40 lbs. (18 kilograms) of non-hazardous waste per employee per month. The 2020 and 2021 waste to landfill results were adjusted based on an internal audit conducted in 2023, resulting in a change in the 2021 comparison to baseline year 2020 and it has been adjusted from +3% to +1%. In 2023, Allegion transitioned to Waste Diversion Rate as it believes it is a better measurement for assessing its progress on measuring waste reduction. Allegion will continue to report waste to landfill for continuity purposes.
6 Assumes an average of 0.6 KwH of electricity usage per square footage per month for warehouse locations and 1.5 KwH of electricity usage per square footage per month for office type locations.
7 Data does not include fleet fuel usage, one-time activities not associated with manufacturing or distribution, any metrics associated with the field service activities for Stanley Access Technologies, to the extent applicable. In addition, data associated with the manufacturing activies of Stanley Access Technologies is included in 2023 values, but 2020 baseline data has not been adjusted.
8 2020 through 2022 calculations exclude revenue and metric data from the Stanley Access Technologies business acquired in July 2022.  2023 calculations include revenue and metric data from the manufacturing operations of Stanley Access Technologies, but both exclude the Stanley Access Technologies service business.
9 LTIR and TRIR reflect data points as of December 31, 2023.
¶ Data as of Dec. 31, 2023. For more information on our U.S. workforce, refer to our EEO-1 report.
# 'Senior leadership team' refers to the members of the company's management, i.e. the Executive Leadership Team (ELT). 'Other leaders' refer to those individuals reporting directly to an ELT member. 'People managers' refer to those individuals who have direct reports that they manage.

Materiality Matrix

Allegion conducted a survey with key internal and external stakeholders to help us determine ESG factors of importance to our business and key external stakeholders, including our investors, suppliers, customers and community partners.

Hover or click on each point for more information.

Want to keep this information at your fingertips?
Download the Materiality Matrix. 

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